Next you'll be able to buy clean fresh mountain air - in a can.
Mad Mad Mad.
Sorry not in good form today - discovered that i am missing 3 of my favourite DVD's. Someone came into my house, opened up the boxes and then took the discs for 3 movies, then closed the boxes up - put them back into their slips and put the box etc back in the shelf. I went to watch Spiderman 3 the other night and found the disc gone. I thought that maybe it was missplaced into the Spiderman 2 box - went to it, found that the movie disc was gone too. Checked them all to find that my very first DVD Ever was gone too. They had left the special features discs - just took the movie disc. I always trust people too much. I have about 150 DVD's and friends and family are always asking for a lend and i am chuffed that they like my style of DVDs. Now i have to cut it back and i hate doing that - all because some git thought he/she'd get away with it.
See you tomorrow.
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