I was in the shower today and for some reason i had a thought. No idea where it came from, but it was a plausable idea.
You know the way people around the world have been spotting UFO's from time to time, and there are few or no actual ones caught on camera from outerspace.
I had a thought that somewhere in the future we invent Time Travel and UFO's are their mode of transport. That from time to time they come back to see how bad we were. you remember the "Roswell" thing. The way they found little bald things with massive heads etc. May they are just an evolved version of us - maybe thousands of years from now - we'll look like them. We were apes covered in hair a while back, and we are getting smaller in height now a days due to our diets and health.
I reckon i could be onto something with this idea.I mean, it's like all the other ideas out there, and this one - well could be true.
I often think and have said it before that Jesus was from the future, that everything he could do - Macoy could do. (Star Trek Doctor).
Think about it.
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it´s ful this page
hello im not inglish im uruguayan
it´s ful this page
hello im not inglish im uruguayan
it´s ful this page
hello im not inglish im uruguayan
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