I got this sent to me from a friend and i thought it was very funny.
I eventually got Cary Borthers 2 EP's as well, not an easy thing to get, and you can't get them in the shops here is good old Ireland. At least i couldn't, i am sure some clever clogs is going to say "I got it in HMV on Grafton Street" or some crap like that.
Rant over - oh, a 7 1/2 min clip for Spiderman 3 is out - do a google and you'll find it, i aint linking you too it, or go to www.comingsoon.net and they have a link to it.
Looks coooooool, some big big movies coming this summer. I read a review of a bloke that saw the screening of the new Harry Potter flick, and he said it looks great.
gotta go - LATER.
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