Wednesday 28 February 2007

Blades Of Glory - & Calvin

Saw this thought that it was incredibly funny, i have a rake of them, so don't worry - there are more where this came from.
The above link is to the latest Will Farrell Movie - "Blades of Glory", and after watching Tallageda Nights over the weekend, this is going to be wet yourself funny.
Have fun, talk to you tomorrow.

Tuesday 27 February 2007

Let the boldness begin!!

This is a temp site, that i will go into every now and again, if people want to contact me, or if i just want to post things that, aren't necessarly about the house.

Oh and on this site = you don't need to know how to spell correctly, and good grammer will be seen as a weakness and frowned apon.

Take it easy and talk to you allllll soon.

Oh, and you should be allowed to reply and comment here without having to sign in etc.

